Following is a collection of videos taken during storm chases and/or thunderstorms. All videos are in Quicktime .mov format. To view a video, please click on the corresponding thumbnail image to the left of the description. If you are having problems playing the video in your browser, right click on the image and "Save link target as" to your hard drive. If you are interested in purchasing any video, please take a look at the merchandise section of this site for our full-length video releases. For all other video inquiries, due to Jeff's untimely passing, please contact Jeff's mother, Marilyn Wear at
DISCLAIMER - Some of the following videos contain strong language, viewer discretion is advised. All videos linked below are copyright Jeff Wear and may be downloaded for personal viewing only. None of the videos linked on this page may be uploaded to another site, used in a for-profit production, or resold to a third party without the permission of the webmaster.
This page was last updated 5-31-05 at 2038 CDT